Pure leather Mongolian wrestling training jacket

from $130.00

These are our “jackets on a budget”. Although they aren’t the same quality as our handmade custom Bokhin Ayin jackets, these are good jackets for beginners and hobbyist who are still looking to enter the Mongol Bokh world.

note, these jackets may take weeks to arrive

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These are our “jackets on a budget”. Although they aren’t the same quality as our handmade custom Bokhin Ayin jackets, these are good jackets for beginners and hobbyist who are still looking to enter the Mongol Bokh world.

note, these jackets may take weeks to arrive

These are our “jackets on a budget”. Although they aren’t the same quality as our handmade custom Bokhin Ayin jackets, these are good jackets for beginners and hobbyist who are still looking to enter the Mongol Bokh world.

note, these jackets may take weeks to arrive